Services We Offer

Services We Offer

Bouneff, Chally & Koh provides a wide range of services and support for birth parents, whether or not they have made up their minds about adoption. Birth parents never have to pay us for our services. Our services include:

  • Talking to you about your options and answering your questions about adoption
  • Describing the legal process of adoption and how and when your parental rights will end
  • Giving you legal advice on your rights and responsibilities
  • Assisting with planning the adoption by helping you find pregnancy services and referring you to experienced adoption counselors
  • Making sure you have the financial support you need for pregnancy-related expenses, including food and shelter
  • Helping to create an Open Adoption Agreement between you and the adoptive parents and helping you to build a relationship with them
  • Helping you find medical care for the pregnancy
  • Contacting the hospital where the birth will take place
  • Supporting and advocating for you if you change your mind and decide to parent your child at any time before the adoption becomes legally binding